18 thoughts on “The Estonia Diaries Part 1 – The Plane Ride Of Doom

  1. My boyfriend is the most rational person in the world until it comes to flying. He even tried hypnotism. He really should have realised that the answer was drugs, and lots of them. Flying in a couple of weeks, so got all this to look forward to. Thanks for another great comic.

    • Thanks old bean. I’ve been painfully lazy of late…alas the day job is becoming increasingly time consuming. It’s great to see your blog doing so well by the way. You appear to be quite the celebrity nowadays!

      • Ha. I don’t know about that mate. Especially when compared to some of the other cats I follow. But thanks, that’s very kind of you to say.

        In truth, I’m almost there with my own writing project and not sure for how much longer I will keep on with the blog. I’m already posting quite infrequently… Though not quite as seldom as your good self.

        I would say, ‘totally know what you mean about the day job’ but I would be lying as writing the book has become my day job… I just hope someone fucking buys it when it’s out ha

      • Yes, I’m the same. I thinking I would officially wind the blog up once and for all, but then I ended having a burst of creativity over the Christmas break and ended up writing seven comics based on diary entries during my holiday in Estonia. Now all I need to do is find time to illustrate them!

        It’s great to hear that you’ve nearly finished your first book, well done and good luck with it. I’m assuming you’ll post something about it once it’s published? (ie once I can purchase the heck out of a copy)

      • Thanks mate, I really appreciate that. And yes, I shall do the obligatory blog post trying to draw attention to it. But won’t try to shove it down people’s throats. So he says…

        Excellent, I look forward to the remaining 6 strips!

  2. …erm…am hoping you weren’t too shit faced to get thru customs unfondled…once ended up in a queue at the request of the customs authorities only to find it was comprised entirely of guys in baseball caps, with one earring and goatee beards…funny, yet disturbing…thankfully they “got-their-man” before the gloves went on for all of us….looking forward to the rest of your adventures…it has been toooo long!…

  3. I usually take an hour plane ride home every Christmas vacation and on some events at home but apart from that I try my very best to avoid any plane ride. 😀 My mind’s paranoia is at its best when the plane takes off, when the seat belt sign is off and during landing— basically, every part of the trip. I’m not really sure how to handle hours of plane ride. HAHA. 😛

    • I’m the same as you. Every part of the flight is usually utterly terrifying! I’m sure it’s partly down to the fact that, before going on my first flight, my only reference point for plane travel was when its portrayed on films and tv…and it only ever appears on those when they’re depicting a terrible accident. So I spend the whole flight just waiting for it to turn into a Hollywood disaster movie around me.

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